Our Relatives Invented the Mediterranean Diet!
Tony Pasquini
/ Categories: Tony P's

Our Relatives Invented the Mediterranean Diet!

When I was 8 years old my Nona Yola came to visit us from Italy. When she arrived, she proceeded to go into the backyard of our suburban home in Littleton, Colorado  and gather up  a bunch of weeds that were growing and make us a salad dressed with extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and fresh squeezed lemon juice.  I didn't know it then, but I realize now that this salad and the simple foods that she prepared for us were the cornerstones of the Mediterranean diet—25 years before the  term Mediterranean diet  was coined!

Over the years, the best meals I’ve ever eaten have been at my Grandmothers' and Aunts' dinner tables —generations old recipes made with love from fresh seasonal ingredients.

At Tony P's we celebrate the Mediterranean diet with  voluminous amounts of fresh vegetables, gallons of extra virgin olive oil , traditional wood fired pizzas, and artisan Italian meats & cheeses. With every pizza, every antipasto, and every plate of lasagna, we pay homage to our beloved relatives who taught us the value of preparing, sharing and eating good for you foods.

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